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Internet has changed the life of all us. Today, people around the world can meet each other and build groups with a common goal trough Internet. And it is essential to emphasize the strength of UNIX in an interconnected world.

Linux wouldn't be what it is without Internet, it is the main media to transmit news, mails, and thousands of conversations between all programmers that work to get a bigger and stronger Operating System. Besides the power of this operating system, the main reason because Linux has gained so much importance, is the idea of free software behind it. UniNet and specially trough Umeet, tries to be faithfull with this philosophy of free software, and to disclose this free software to as many users as posible.

With such spirit, we are going to celebrate the III UniNet UNIX Meeting UMeet2002. The Conference will take place ONLINE in channel #linux at on December, 9-20. Everybody is welcome and the lectures are free. We'd like to thank to all these people that have agreed to join us to celebrate and participate in our conferences because they make this possible at UniNet. Thanks!

The Organizing Comittee

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