Paper # 003 Versión en Español Versión en Español

Intraluminal metastasis in uterine cervix.

José-Santos Salas Valién, María-Teresa Ribas Ariño, María-Asunción González Morán y Francisco Izquierdo García.

Department of Pathology. Hospital de León. León.
Hospital de León. C/ Altos de Nava s/n.
24080- León. Spain

Versión en Español [Introduction] [Materials & Methods] [Results] [Pictures] [Discussion] [Bibliography]

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Uterine cervix involvement is characteristic of the extension of an endometrial adenocarcinoma to the cervix (stage II, F.I.G.O.). This extension is classified in mucous (IIa) and stromal (IIb) invasion. In this kind of tumoral affectation of the cervix, a contiguous tumoral extension from the endometrium to the endocervix should be established.
In some cases, endocervix is secondarily invaded by a endometrial adenocarcinoma, but continuity between primary neoplasia and the cervical affectation cannot be established. In these cases, an intraluminal way of spread through the endocervical canal has been proposed. Occasionally, this way of tumoral propagation has been facilitated by exploration maneuvers (cervical dilatation and curettage).

We present two representative cases of metastatic tumoral spreading by a intraluminally, in endometrial and tubal adenocarcinoma, supporting this way of propagation and discussing the difficulties that can be found in the tumoral staging in these patients.

El Dr. José-Santos Salas Valién es .........

Hospital de León .....

Key Words: Adenocarcinoma, Cervix, Metastasis

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