Paper # 007 | Versión
en español ![]() |
Jesús González García, Marcial García Rojo, Francisco Martín Dávila, Rafael López Pérez, Manuel Carbajo Vicente.
Department of Pathology. Complejo Hospitalario
de Ciudad Real. Spain.
(*) Electron Microscopy Department. Hospital Clínico
Universitario San Carlos. Madrid. Spain.
Address: Complejo Hospitalario de Ciudad Real
Plaza Pío XII s/n, 13002 Ciudad Real. Spain
[Introduction] [Materials
and Methods] [Results] [Pictures] [Discussion]
We describe two patients, a 28 years old female, and a 18 years old male, both without relevant previous medical history, that presented with lesions at right and left nasal cavities, respectively, that the histopathological study revealed to be Rhinosporidiosis.
Microscopically the lesions show an exofitic growth of the mucosa, with hyperplastic epithelium. The stroma shows the characteristics cystics structures of variable size, with a bilaminar wall. The small structures are empty or only show a granular material; the bigger ones contain sporulated elements with small eosinophilic round bodies inside. Surrounding these structures, a intense chronic inflammatory infiltrate can be found, with occasional foreign body reaction.
Sporulated forms show positivity with PAS, Silver-Metanamine y Mayer's Mucincarmin, with an staining of the outer component of the cyst wall and in the inner part in the sporulated component. Immunohistochemical techniques show positivity with CEA, S-100 and Fibronectin.
Dr. Jesús González is pathologist at the Complejo Hospitalario de Ciudad Real.