Paper # 008 Versión en Español Versión en Español

Purkinje cell hamartoma (Histiocytoid cardiomyopathy). Study of a case in an 18 months infant.

Marcial Garcia-Rojo, Carlos Gamallo, Felipe Moreno

[Title] [Introduction] [Materials and Methods] [Results] [Picture 2] [Discussion] [Bibliography]


Pictures 2

RESULTADOS. Immunohistochemistry (1 of 2)

it was characteristic the granular and/or diffuse positivity of the PAS positive inclusions with actin, myosin, alpha-actinin (fig. 4), tropomyosin (fig. 5), and desmin (figs. 7 y 8).

Fig. 4. Alpha-actinin x 200

Tropomiosina x 200 Fig. 5. Tropomyosin x 200

Miosina esquelética x 400 Fig. 6. Myosin x 400

Desmina x 100 Fig. 7. Desmin x 100

With desmin technique, we could observe subsarcolemmal deposits (fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Desmin x 100


Calmodulin and collagen IV


Pictures 2