Liver metastasis of oncocytic carcinoid:
cytohistological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study.
Teresa Ribas Ariño, Elena García
Lagarto, Nieves Alonso Orcajo, Santos Salas Valién, Asunción
González Morán.
Pathology Department. Hospital de León. León.
Address: Altos de Nava s/n.
224080 León. Spain
[Introduction] [Materials
& Methods] [Results] [Pictures] [Discussion]
[Bibliography] [Comments]
- Morphological findings in the fore mentioned fields are
analyzed in a hepatic mass, initially detected by
radiological imaging, in a 73 years old male, that 5
years earlier has a surgical operation of an oncocytic
carcinoid of the lung.
- A fine needle aspiration of the liver was performed. It
was diagnosed of carcinoid tumor, with positive
immunochemistry for neuron specific enolase (NSE) and
chromogranin. Afterwards, the patient went on surgery.
- The excised mass was 4 x 3 x 3 cm; its morphological
characteristics were the same as the previous tumor, with
cells that showed an eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and
a central nucleus, arranged in nests or rows
- The neoplastic cells were positive with NSE, chromogranin
and synaptophysin. In the ultrastructural examination, a
large number of mitochondria and neurosecretion granules
were found.
- All these findings led to the diagnosis of oncocytic
carcinoid tumor, after excluding the possibilities of a
hepatocarcinoma and other tumors.
Dr. Teresa Ribas Ariño is
- Hospital de León ............
- Key Words: Oncocytic carcinoid , Liver,
Fine needle aspiration, Lung
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