Left adrenal myelolipoma. The outer
layer on left side is represented by compressed adrenal
cortical cells.In the right side there are fat cells and
trilineage hematopoietic cells. HE, 40x.
Left adrenal myelolipoma. The outer layer on left
side is represented by compressed adrenal cortical
cells.In the right side there are fat cells and
trilineage hematopoietic cells. HE, 100x.
Left adrenal myelolipoma. Close view of fat cells and
trilineage hematopoietic cells. There are megakaryocyte,
erithrocyte and myeloid lineages in all stages of
differentiation, all of them typical. HE, 40x.
Right adrenal. There is only foci of extramedullary
hematopoiesis, with no fat cells associated and without
compression of glandular cells. The trilineage
hematopoietic cells are between medullary and cortical
cells. There are megakaryocyte (center), erithrocyte and
myeloid lineages in all stages of differentiation, all of
them typical. HE, 40x.