Paper # 096 Versión en Español Spanish version

Thymic microenvironmental changes in human congenital syphilis

Eliene C. Fonseca, Mônica P. Almeida, Évlin H. Maia, Dora M. F. Menezes and Wilson Savino*

[Title] [Introduction] [Materials and Methods] [Results] [Discussion] [Pictures] [Bibliography]

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Congenital syphilis. Mounting of photomicrography showing reduction of the cortex (C), septal enlargement (S) with intralobular projetions (*). there is also basement membrane thickening and increase in reticular fibers inside the lobule (arrow heads), Paraffin section, Gomori's reticulin, 200x.

  Congenital syphilis. Mounting of photomicrography showing lobular basement membrane thickening and intralobular "fibrosis" (arrows). Septa exibts intense plasmocitary infiltrate. Picrosirius not polarized, 100x.
Congenital syphilis. Mounting of photomicrography showing lobular basement membrane thickening and intralobular "fibrosis", characterized by abundant type I collagen (arrows). Septa exibts intense plasmocitary infiltrate, area with predominance of type III collagen near basement membrane (perpendicular fibers) and an area away from basement membrane characteristic of type I collagen, also containig type III collagen. Picrosirius, polarized, 100 x.
Congenital syphilis. Perivascular fibrosis and septa projections, associated with cortical lymphocyte depletion.Picrosirius, not polarized, 100 x.
Congenital syphilis. Perivascular fibrosis containig type I collagen, basement membrane thickening and septa projections, associated with cortical lymphocyte depletion.Picrosirius, polarized, 100 x.

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