Paper # 001 Versión en Español Versión en Español

Adenocarcinoma of the Stomach after Therapy for Lymph Nodes Low Grade Lymphoma

Marcial Garcia-Rojo, Jesús González, Ana Morillo, Jesus Martin

[Title] [Introduction] [Materials and Methods] [Results] [Picture 2] [Discussion] [Bibliography]


Picture 2

Axillary Lymph Node Biopsy

LCA x 40

A diffuse effacement of the lymph node by a proliferation of small lymphocytes, only sparing marginal zones (LCA x 40).

Reticulin x 100

The architectural destruction of the lymph node was confirmed by reticulin stains. (Reticulin x 100).

PAS x 630

Tumoral lymphocytes showed a small nucleus eccentrically located with a central visible nucleolus. Cytoplasm was moderate in amount and frequently PAS positive. Typical plasma cells can also be observed. (PAS x 630).



Picture 2