Paper # 001 Versión en Español Versión en Español

Adenocarcinoma of the Stomach after Therapy for Lymph Nodes Low Grade Lymphoma

Marcial Garcia-Rojo, Jesús González, Ana Morillo, Jesus Martin

[Title] [Introduction] [Materials and Methods] [Results] [Picture 4] [Discussion] [Bibliography]

Picture 4


Lymph node with lymphoma and metastatic adenocarcinoma. Immunohistochemical study

LCA x 400

Lymphoid cells were easily distinguishable from adenocarcinoma cells with the common leukocyte antigen staining (LCA x 400).

L26 x 630

Adenocarcinoma signet ring cells were negative for all lymphoid markers. Lymphoid neoplastic cells were positive with pan-B cell markers like CD-20. (L26 x 630).

CEA x 400

Malignant adenocarcinoma cells were identifiable by their positivity with epithelial markers. They showed an intense staining with the Common Epithelial Antigen, in contrast with the total absence of this marker in lymphoid cells (CEA x 400).

Keratin x 400

Small cells of adenocarcinoma cells metastatic to lymph nodes were observed with low weight cytokeratins markers (Cytokeratins 8,18 &19 x 400).


Picture 4
