Comunicación Nº: 011 | English version ![]() |
Teresa Ribas Ariño, Inmaculada Matanzas García, Santos Salas Valién, Asunción González Morán.
[Título] [Material y Métodos] [Resultados] [Iconografía] [Discusión]
LERNER LW, TAPER ML:Opportunistic infection complicating acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Medicine 63:155-164, 1984.
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LERNER LW, TAPER ML:Opportunistic infection complicating acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Medicine 63:155-164, 1984.
SNIDER WD, SIMPSON DM, NIELSE S, GOLD JW, METROKA CE, POSNER JB: Neurological complications of acquired immunedeficiency syndrome: Analysis of 50 patients. Ann Neurol 14:403-418, 1983.
ZUGER A, LOUIE E, HOLZMAN RS, SIMBERKOFF MSH, RAHAL JJ: Cryptococcal diseases in patients with the acquired immunedeficiency syndrome. Ann Intern Med 104:234-240, 1986.
SHERMAN ME, ORR JE, BALOGH K, BARDAWIL RG: Primary diagnosis of disseminated fungal disease by fine -needle aspiration of soft-tissue lessions. Diagn Cytopathol 7(5). 536-539, 1991.
NAKA W, MASUDA M, KONOHANA A, SHINODAT, NISHIKAWA T: Primary cutaneous cryptococcosis and cryptococcus neoformans serotype D : Clin Exp Dermatol, 20:221-225, 1995.
POWERS CN,RUPP GM, MAYGARDEN SJ, FRABLE WJ: Fine.needle aspiration cytology of adrenal criptococcosys: a case report: Diagn Cytopathol ,7 (1): 88-91, 1991.
VAIDYA KP, LOMBARDIAS S: Cryptococal thyroiditis: report of a case diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration
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