Soft tissue cryptoccosis diagnosed by Fine
Needle Aspiration Cytology.
Teresa Ribas Ariño, Inmaculada
Matanzas García, Santos Salas Valién, Asunción González
Pathology Department. Hospital de León. León.
Address: Altos de Nava s/n.
224080 León. Spain
[Materials & Methods] [Results] [Pictures]
[Discussion] [Bibliography]
- We report a 32 years old woman, HIV positive, that comes
to outpatient´s clinic with a 30 x 30 mm right
supraclavicular swelling, apparently without
relationships with lymphoid structures. He had a
acceptable general status and thorax X-ray films showed
no abnormalities.
- Fine needle aspiration cytology was performed and
necrotic material was yielded. This material showed
multiple round or budding spores, that were identified
with Giemsa, Papanicolau, PAS and Grocott stains. The
amount of material obtained didn´t allow any other
- The patients was started on Fluconazol, and after six
months of the diagnosis, he has not developed systemic
- Key Words: Cryptococcus neoformans, Fine
needle Aspiration, Soft tissue
In Spanish: