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News (6-Nov-2000)

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D. Fernando Tricas
Assoc. Prof. in The Zaragoza University
Zaragoza. ESPAÑA 

D. Manuel Ruiz Tienza
Vice President
High Degree in Computer Science
Systems Manager from  at Grupo SAFA.
Zaragoza. ESPAÑA 

D. Ricardo J. Cardenes Medina
Computer Science Student at the University of
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
las Palmas de Gran Canaria. ESPAÑA 

Roman Esteban,   David
Informatic Engineer .
Zaragoza. ESPAÑA 

Briones Vilar,   D. Ismael 
Telecommunications Technical Engineer.
Systems Administrator at Amutis Telecomunicaciones S.A.
Valencia. ESPAÑA 

Coronado Padilla,   D. Erven 
Ultraviolet Radiation Department. University Austral de Chile.
Valdivia. Chile 

Fonseca Zorrilla,   D. Carlos Enrique
Electrical Engineer. Master in Telematics.
Senior Prof. in the TCP/IP Networks Areas.
Director of the Computing Division.
Universal Corporation of Investigation and Development.
Santa Fe de Bogotá, D.C. Colombia. 

Gutierrez,   D. Juan Carlos 
Electronic Engineer.
Special Proyects Manager.
Iberoamerican University. 
León. Guanajuato. MEXICO 

Marcos de la Puerta,   D. Borja 
Security Manager at Sarenet.
Collaborator in the Computer Section at Grupo Correo. 

Pascual Escriba,   D. Juan Manuel
Industrial Engineer
Manager of the Plazasite Network.
Barcelona. ESPAÑA 

Peña,   D. Horacio J. (N) 
Mathematics and Computer Sciences Student at the
Universities of Buenos Aires and Palermo.
Buenos Aires. R. ARGENTINA 

Perez Borrero,   Ing. Abdiel
Ministry of  Environmental and Technological Sciences (CITMA).
Camagüey. CUBA 

Mas información: umeet@uninet.edu