Logo Umeet2000




Congress Details


Paper Submission

Honour Committee

Organizing Committee

Scientific Committee

Technical Committee


Mirror Servers

News (6-Nov-2000)

Press info,links


Inscription period is now open, and it is free for participants. Register yourself! 

Participation at this Congress follows the same structure than traditional scientific activities, included the social activities. 

Participation can be made by:

  • Free Communications 
  • Posters 
  • Conferences 
  • Speeches
  • Workshops
  • Simposium of invited figures 
that will be selected by the Scientific Committee. 

Deadline for speeches, conferences and free communication abstracts is October 30th. of 2000.

The most relevant papers, speeches and conferences, will be presented live in its original language, by textconference on the UniNet IRC Network, channel #linux.
All other works will be commented on the discussion pannels, or by email
distribution lists.

Organising Comittee will provide certification of participation in the conference under request.

More information: umeet@uninet.edu