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With the objective of sharing and spreading experiences, faciliting relations between professionals and promoting  the new technologies, Uninet with other associated entities, would like to reunite all the professionals in this I INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF UNIX  AT UNINET . 

Our purpose is intending mutual enrichment and bringing up to date  knowledge to all the people related with new technologies; joining at a global world level  the opinion and experiences of all participants, in particular all of those who live in isolated places, or with no possibilities of meeting other colleagues in their fields of expertising.

Participation is free. 

The most ambitious goal of this meeting is to set up permanent relationship, that will make easier in the future the cooperation and development of  the new technologies to come, as well as the universal communication, with important benefits in this new communication age. With the arrival of third milenium, UniNet wants to be in the avant garde of the cultural change provided by internet, in order to serve the society. 

We invite everybody to participate. 

The Organizing Comittee


Contact: umeet@uninet.edu