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Congress Details


Paper Submission

Honour Committee

Organizing Committee

Scientific Committee

Technical Committee


Mirror Servers

News (6-Nov-2000)

Press info,links


Papers must be sent following guidelines in order to be submitted to Computer Science journals. Abstracts in Spanish, French, Portuguese, or English, should be 350 words long at most and must contain:

  • Title
  • Name of the author
  • Filiation
  • Contact information in order to address correspondence
  • Sponsors (if any)
Guidelines for structuring the content:
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Each work must contain a presentation letter identifying the main author (postal address and phone number), and it must also have a note from the rest of authors accepting the text and its publication in UMEET.

Abstracts of work can be presented as:

  • Plain Text
  • HTML Text (recommended)
If the paper has graphical images they must be in .gif or .jpg format. Authors should consider that bigger graphics will produce a more slow download of pages.

Work can be submitted electronically to umeet@uninet.edu.

Deadline: November, 10th, of 2.000

Scientific Comittee expects that all of the work will be free for publication in the Conference's web page, or that authors will provide permission (from them and other copyright holders) for this publication. Copyright:

General Information about copyrighted content:

Unless explicite noted all the documents in this server are subject to the following rules:

The entire contents of this site are protected by copyright laws. Copyright© 1999, Uninet, or as otherwise designated therein. All rights are reserved.

Uninet hereby give permission to copy, print, or distribute any documents from our web site, provided
(1) that each copy makes clear who is the document's author,
(2) that no copies are altered without the Uninet express consent, and
(3) that no one makes a profit from these copies without Uninet express consent.

To request express consent, contact Uninet umeet@uninet.edu.

We will not knowingly reproduce copyrighted material without permission of the owner. Should you find any such material at our internet site, please notify us immediately so that we can make the necessary corrections.

This copyright notice is based on Peter Suber's one. (Peter is a Law and Philosophy teacher at EarlHam College) You can see it and a very good article about it in http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/copyrite.htm.

Contact: umeet@uninet.edu